Near-deterministic hybrid generation of arbitrary photonic graph states using a single quantum emitter and linear optics (FORTH & HUJI), Quantum 7, 992 (2023), arXiv:2205.09750
On the importance of antimony for temporal evolution of emission from self-assembled (InGa) (AsSb)/GaAs quantum dots on GaP(001) (ULEI), New J. Phys. 23, 103029 (2021)
Resource requirements for efficient quantum communication using all-photonic graph states generated from a few matter qubits (FORTH), Quantum 5, 397 (2021), arXiv:2005.07198
Picosecond laser pulses for quantum dot-microcavity based single photon generation by cascaded electro-optic modulation of a narrow-linewidth laser (ULEI) arXiv:2408.08213
Fast optical control of a coherent hole spin in a microcavity (UBAS) arXiv:2407.18876
Realisation of a Coherent and Efficient One-Dimensional Atom (UBAS) arXiv:2402.12568
MBE-grown virtual substrates for quantum dots emitting in the telecom O- and C-bands (TUM), arXiv:2407.12619
Tuning the coherent interaction of an electron qubit and a nuclear magnon (UCAM), arXiv:2404.19679
Many-body quantum register for a spin qubit (UCAM), arXiv:2404.19680
Spin Noise Spectroscopy of a Single Spin using Single Detected Photons (CNRS), arXiv:2401.14976
Transfer Matrix Model for Emission Profile Optimization of Radial Gratings (TUM), arXiv:2310.07529
Protocol for nearly deterministic parity projection on two photonic qubits (FORTH), arXiv:2308.09035
Magnetic tuning of the tunnel coupling in an optically active quantum dot molecule (TUM), arXiv:2303.12552